
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy

In a very competitive business environment, that it has focused on the needs of customers, you can give the edge over your competition. In this way, your marketing strategy must be directed to the most reach to benefit people from your products and services. Marketing strategy of customer-driven is to identify your target market, contains the elements, such as the reaction to their needs. This maintains the customer, you can also use them to help get additional business and need a detailed way.

To target your market
Marketing strategy of customer-driven, we are targeting a specific market segment. Age, sex, please use the marketing research in order to identify a common demographic features in the customer base, such as occupations and income levels. The more you know your customer base, the easier it is to develop a strategy to appeal to these characteristics. As a result, you will waste less time and money than trying to reach on the total outlook.We will respond to the needs Marketing strategy of customer-driven, focusing on meeting your customers' needs, your products and services, Check that you can meet these needs. For example, in early studies, your customers might be to tell you that you are very interested to receive a high level of service. By you to provide a time extension of the free delivery and operation, it may be able to meet this need.

Building of loyalty
Marketing of customer-driven, not only sales, the loyalty that can lead to repeat referral business, you can build. One method used by marketers, is an implementation of the reward program to receive each time a customer purchases are they to the point. Point accumulation will lead to free or discounted products or services.

Use Customer Feedback
Please use the feedback from your customers in order to make changes and improvements to help you to continue to meet future customer needs. For example, your customers, you may want to indicate that they are clean store, there is a need for a different product mix or better customer returns policy. Make the necessary changes, we are using your marketing strategy in order to get a word in order to show that your customers are focused on providing the service.

Earn referral
Please introduce to generate a part of the marketing strategy of your customer-driven. In order to spread the word about your business in order to acquire new customers, and encourage your existing customers. Customers by giving additional discounts and free products to them, to implement the rewarding referral program to send your way to a new business. You can even hold a contest for asking can send most introduced customers in your specific time.

Market segmentation
Market consists of the buyer, the buyer, will differ in one or more of the points. They buy the attitude, and to buy the practice, there are times when his desire, resources, location different. Through market segmentation, companies are large-scale and more efficient and effective small segment that you will be able to reach the matching products and services to their own needs, to split the different types of market. , Segment the consumer market segmentation business market, segment the international market, an effective requirement for segmentation: This section describes the four important segmentation topic.

Segment the consumer market
There is no single way to market segment. Marketers, in order to find the best way to display the structure of the market, alone and in combination, you have to try different segmentation variables. We provide an overview of the key variables that may be using the consumer market segmentation. Here, major, geographic demographic, please look at the psychological, behavioral variables.

Geographical segmentation
Geographical segmentation, call national, regional, state, county, city, or to divide the market into such different geographical unit area. The company, or may be determined to be running on one or a few geographical areas, instead of operating in all areas, and note the difference needs to be geo graphically wants.

Many companies, that today product, advertising, promotion and individual regional, city, and even has been localized marketing activities to meet the needs of the region. For example, one consumer products company has shipped an additional example of a low-calorie snack food to the store in the area near Weight Watchers clinic. Kraft has developed a post of Fiesta Fruity ~I over pebble grain for areas of high Hispanic population. Coca-Cola, four ready-to-drink canned coffee for the Japanese market, was a particular geographical area to develop each of the target. Procter & Gamble is to introduce a British curry Pringles Asia.2 other funky soy sauce Pringles in the company, - trying to still develop the geographical area of ​​undeveloped. For example, many large companies, has escaped the major cities and suburbs of the fierce competition in order to set up shop in the United States of a small town. Apple by, consider the nation's largest casual dining chain: Apple by's a small town of distant suburbs still has been to make sure that it is possible to have a neighborhood bar and grill. Call this, Wal-Mart (or destroy the misconception that American small market that can not be purchased does not have anything to an interest in the restaurant, small and its 50,000 people, it is the STAR (of small town Appleby restaurants) equivalent that extends the market in what is de). Do you work how the strategy? But the more parties please check the dozen Hayes, it was arranged in Kansas, known of Appleby in a small town of 21,000 people, located in in that area outside of a typical Friday night.

Demographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation, age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, and split race, generation, the market into groups based on variables such as nationality. Demographic factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. One reason, hoping by consumer needs, the utilization, in many cases, changes to closely with demographic variables. Another, demographic variables, is that it is easier to measure than most other types of variables. Market segments, even when using other bases such as the first such pursuit of advantages and operation are defined, their demographic characteristics, and evaluates the magnitude of the orders target market efficiency It must be known in order to specifically reach.

Psychological segmentation

Psychographic segmentation divides the buyer to social class, lifestyle or different groups based on the personality traits,. People in the same demographic group you can have a very different psychological makeup. We, the products people buy, has discussed how to reflect the lifestyle.

As a result, the lifestyle of consumers, marketers frequently was their market segment, and to base their marketing strategy to appeal the lifestyle. For example, American Express, "promise suits Card" your life it is "my life. My card." Professional campaign, to consumers screen star Robert De Niro and Kate Winslet from surfer Laird Hamilton and TV personality Ellen DeGeneres, we have glimpses into the life style of famous people to whom you can identify. The barn of pottery, in another of its store formats, we're just selling more than a house of furniture. It sells all that you aspire to that there is the customer. Barn Kids Pottery offers idyllic scene of days of perfect children.

Behavioral segmentation

Behavior segmentation their knowledge, splits attitudes, use, or buyers into groups based on the response to the product. Many marketers, behavioral variables are considered to be the best starting point for building a market segment.

Using the base of a plurality of segments

Marketers do not limit the segmentation analysis to most one or several variables. Rather, the target group, which is increasingly defined better-, in an effort to identify small, uses a multiple of segmentation base. Thus, the bank not only can identify a wealthy retirement adult groups, within that group, their current income, assets, savings and risk appetite, a housing, a number of segments based on lifestyle distinction to you. One good example of a multivariate segmentation is a "demographic" segmentation. Some of the business information services - such as Claritas, Experian, Acxiom Corporation, such as Map Info is given, to marketing planners zip code is, regional, and even up to the home, consumer lifestyle to better segment The resulting serve the pattern and its market in order to link the US Census and consumer transaction data. One of the major lifestyle segmentation system is PRIZM NE (new evolution) system by Claritas. PRIZM NE system, demographic factors, age, education level, income, occupation, family structure, ethnicity, and residential and behavioral and lifestyle factors - on the basis of purchase, such as, about the same host as the free time activities Te, it classifies all American homes, media favorite. You can use anywhere PRIZM NE things you might buy if you live in order to draw some surprisingly accurate picture is who, marketers will be able to use: you small publishing worked as a marketing assistant, I have graduated from the University of the first generation of 23-year-old company. Start at the bottom of the job ladder rung, you will earn old college friend and downtown and Share no-frills, just enough money in your half of the chip of the rent of the walk-up apartment. You drive the Kia Spectra of 1-year-old, spend a Friday night of socializing you at a local nightclub. Instead of cooking instead, and rather to order a pizza from Papajon, you'd eat some of the slice while watching reruns of the heart of the Mencia comedy.

Segmenting the business market
Consumer and corporate marketers, the same variable in the segment we use a lot of their market. Buyers of business demographic (industry, company size), or the user of the state, usage, and by the loyalty status sought benefits, you can geographically segmented. However, also the marketer of business, use the operating characteristics of the customer, purchase approach, status factors, and some additional variables, such as personal property. The whole not, by going after a segment of the market, companies are served will be able to provide just the right value in each segment, to capture a lot of value in return. Almost all of the companies, offers of at least some of the business market. For example, we have described the American Express as "my life. My card. Offers a credit card to the final consumer," said the company. However, American Express, we have three of the segment merchant companies, the companies of small and medium-sized enterprises of interest. We have developed a clear marketing program to manage the relationship with those already performed for each segment .In cuses of new merchants convincing to accept the card. Due to the large enterprise customers, the company includes the cost and travel management services for large-scale employees, offers a card program of the company. In addition, asset management in this segment, retirement planning, and offers a wide range of financial education services. Small Business: Finally, for customers of small and medium-sized enterprises, American Express has created an OPEN

Segmenting the international market
Some companies, in the country of scattered all over the world, but has one of the resources and the will for almost all of the operations, or. Some of the large companies such as such Coca-Cola and Sony, has been selling the product on more than 200 countries, most of the international companies focused to a smaller set. When operating in many countries, and presents new challenges. even that different countries, it is in close proximity is, of them, very different economic, cultural, and political makeup. In this way, they are in the same manner as performed in the domestic market, international companies are in need of their world market to the group segment individual purchasing needs and behavior. Company international market segment can be a combination of one or more variables. They, Western Europe, the Pacific Rim, the Middle East, or the grouping geographical segments the country by regions such as Africa, will be able to. Geographic segmentation is based on the assumption that it has a proximity country many common characteristics and behaviors to each other. This is often the case, but there are many exceptions. The United States and Canada, but have much in common, for example, both of the cultural from neighboring Mexico, depends on the economic. But in the region, consumers it can vary greatly. For example, the US part of the marketer, lumped all of the center, the South American countries together. However, the Dominican Republic, Italy, not like Brazil not exceed is like in Sweden. Many Central and South Americans also 140 million, including the hundreds of thousands of various speaking other countries of Brazil and Indian dialect of Portuguese-speaking, does not speak Spanish. World market can also be segmented based on economic factors. For example, the country might be grouped by population income levels, or by the overall level of economic development. Economic structure of the country, therefore, the marketing opportunities it provides, shaping the needs of the population of products and services. Country, such a type and foreign companies, government financial regulations, the stability of the receptor, and as the amount of bureaucratic, political, you can be segmented by legal factors. Such factors are input how, you can play an important role in the selection of any country of the company in order to. Cultural factors also a common language, religion, values ​​and attitudes, habits, groups the market, depending on the behavior patterns, can be used. , Geographical, economic, political, cultural, and segmenting the segment international markets based on other factors it will assume that must be constructed in the country of the cluster. However, many companies, we use a different approach called Inter-market segmentation. They Despite located indifference country, forming the consumer segment have similar needs and purchasing behavior.

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